Welcome to SAFEPASS HSE,
the safety training website for the HSE E&P population.


June 25 2024 - Learning day

Big news for SAFEPASS and your training monitoring.
SAFEPASS -New Generation- in line with the CR GR HSE 601 will launch Q3 2024.
Stay tuned, more info to come ...

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This application, dedicated to the HSE E&P staff, allows to record and follow up the HSE trainings, in accordance with the requirements stipulated in CR EP HSE 081 and CR EP HSE 082 as well as specific requirements relating to specialties.

If you are not HSE EP personnel:

  • Field Operations (EXP) - https://exp-safepass.totalenergies.com

  • Project & Construction (PJC) - https://pjc-safepass.totalenergies.com

  • Drilling-Wells (FP) - https://fp-safepass.totalenergies.com

  • Geosciences & Reservoir (GSR) - https://gsr-safepass.totalenergies.com

  • Logistics (LSO) - https://lso-safepass.totalenergies.com

It is the responsibility of everyone to create and maintain their account according to the HSE training required for their position.

This application also allows the relevant managers to check the compliance status against the requirements, either by individual or for a team.

The recipients of the data are the hierarchies, as well as any person responsible for checking compliance with the requirements.
In accordance with the regulations, you have a right to access and rectify your information, which you can exercise by contacting the entity responsible for your training.

You can also, for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of your data.